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The OP-2A is a  tube-based compressor. It uses an electroluminescent panel together with a cadmium-sulfide light-dependent resistor (which in the LA-2A's own terminology is called the T4 cell) to provide gain reduction. The properties of the T4 give the OP-2A its unique character by making it an entirely program-dependent design.


The OP-2A has simple controls: a Peak-Reduction knob controls the gain of the side-chain circuit, and therefore, the gain reduction; a Gain Control for make-up gain; and a Limit/Compress switch which alters the compression ratio. The VU meter may also be switched to show the gain reduction or output level.


The average attack time is 10 milliseconds,[5] while the release time is about 60 ms for 50% release and 0.5 to 5 seconds for full release, depending on the previous program material


Compressor legendary in dual version The Compressor contains the amplification circuit of the

LA-2A with tubes.


Amazing sounded electronically balanced input and output (without transformer)


And of course , sounds great when putting all mix.


  • Audio device takes maximum 28 dB with 0.05% distortionContains t4b cell (fast) that can use in single instrument.

    In the DUAL version, in link mode, the compression is done by control from both channels.

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